10 December 2018

Helping businesses implement the SDGs with C2C Certified

It’s very frequent nowadays to refer to the SDGs (the Sustainable Development Goals) as the tool to measure companies’ progress in what was intended as sustainability. It is perceived more and more that sustainability is not enough, is not sustainable. We need to go further. As W. McDonough says, we need to be Good (The Five Goods); but how to do it? And how can we measure it? That’s the challenge that we detected right now.

When talking about the SDGs there’s the risk of just adapting what we’re doing to this new context, referring the initiatives to the SDGs that better fit. As the SDGs are Global Goals, they are generic and don’t provide a methodology to verify the achievements.

C2C and SDGs

From EIG, we asked Chloe Hill, an independent consultant that works for several organizations related to CSR, to help us with a first research on the different existing tools that may help on this. The intention is to identify whether it exists or not the tool to measure the progress towards the SDGs achievement for companies’ reporting, and how Cradle to Cradle Certified(TM) can help.


The Cradle to Cradle Certified criteria and the principles behind the methodology are strongly related to the SDGs and share the same spirit. Maybe it’s worth to expect to the v4 of the standard to see even further alignment. Today, we share with you this first think-piece, and we invite you to comment and join us in this research.

What do you think is the better tool to measure SDGs achievement process for companies?


READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE: Helping Businesses implement the SDGs