DYNAMOBEL – C2C Certified Bronze for Cell and Slat

Certified products:

  • CELL table deck (more than 100 different configurations)
  • SLAT office chair (more than 90 different configurations)

Dynamobel gets C2C Certified Bronze for Cell and Slat, two of their most innovative series for work spaces.

The Slat office shairs are designed to be easily repaired, replaced the upholstery and dismanteled.

Cell table desks have an organic design that enables great flexibility to boost collaboration at work.


  • Transparency

    Identify with as much detail as possible the components of both product series and work closely with the supply chain.

  • Scale

    Include as many finishes as possible from both product families. Learn about the process to design new products and families based on the C2C principles.

Main challenges:

  • Traceability

    Contact more than 60 direct and indirect suppliers to obtain the necessary information, reaching the raw materials.

  • Impact

    Identify and commit manufacturers and suppliers aligned with Dynamobel's strategy.

  • Quality

    Include as many finishes as possible without lowering the global certification level.


  • 94%

    of the components by weight of the CELL tables have been evaluated at 100ppm

  • 100%

    More than 100 configurations of the CELL table included in the certificate

  • 90%

    more than 90 configurations of the SLAT chair included in the certificate.

Key Concepts


Collaboration in the supply chain is essential to ensure the health and safety of products. The complexity of the Dynamobel supply chain has created added complexity in the C2C Certified process.


To manage nutrients well, the collaboration of all parties involved (from suppliers to end users), as well as traceability systems, is necessary.

Use of resources

Resource use is also important in the circular economy

  • Renewable energy
  • Controlled water cycle
  • Ensure the social responsibility of the company and suppliers