ECOINDUSTRIA – Circular Economy at Baix Llobregat industries
Advice and training to the techincal team of the Municipalities of Baix Llobregat (Gavà, El Prat de Llobregat and Viladecans), in collaboration with the Center of Support to the Company of Gavà, in order to detect industrial symbiosys opportunities between companies of the area.
After 5 years working, the project is now in its 4th phase of implementation. The initial phase of the project was focused on the training of the administration technicians in the circular economy and the detection of possible synergies between companies. This was translated into a dynamic map that became the tool to understand potential collaborations between different stakeholders.
During the development of the first and second phases, 9 training sessions were carried out with the technicians of the City Council and 4 sessions with companies. Through different dynamics the areas of interest were detected, from which the potential synergies arose, gathered in an asset mapping matrix. More than 60 companies in the area participated actively in the sessions, of which they have detected almost 80 potential synergies and business opportunities.
Throughout this process, the ReSOLVE methodology (Ellen MacArthur Foundation) has been applied in coherence with the actions carried out by different organizations within the framework of the commitment of the Generalitat de Catalunya for the transition towards the Circular Economy.
A real transformation happening
One of the more relevant projects derived from this actions is the Socrates Building, the first building designed, planned and built according to the circular economy principles. This open book project became an incon of the circular economy implementation at Baix Llobregat, arinsing the interest of other regions to follow this path.
Over 10 roadmaps were designed for those companies engaged in the mentoring program.
Many of them are now already putting into practice the strategies. More to come!